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lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

Clips Abejas: broches pintados a mano

Este fin de semana he pintado un set de 3 broches de madera con abejitas decorando. Son ideales para colgar fotos, notas, cuentas, papeles que andan dando vueltas, cerrar paquetes de galletitas y bolsas, sujetar tarjetas y dibujos de los niños, cualquier cosa que desee tu corazón. Cada broche esta lijado, sellado, pintado y barnizado con mucho amor, para que dure mucho tiempo y tenga un buen uso. El barniz lo protege pero no lo hace sumergible.

Decora tu oficina o tu casa. En venta en mi ETSY Shop.
Se envía correo certificado, en bolsa de papel cello, bien empaquetado, listo para regalar o regalarte!

Set of 3 wooden clothespin CLIPS embellished with a beautiful bee hand painted wood. Perfect for holding up photos, cards, artwork, coupons, to do lists, memos and anything else your heart desires. These can also be used to clip things together such as mail, chip bags and anything that needs to be put in its place. I have sanded, sealed, painted and varnished each individual clip so that it will last a long time and be of good use. Please note that these have been varnished but are not waterproof. Decorate your home with these cutes hand painted Clips.
• Clothspin is 3 1/4" in length.
• Bee is about 1 1/4".
• wings are transparent and bronze wire antennas.
Clips will ship in a clear cello bag, packaged with care, ready to be gifted to you, your family and your friends.

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